Application of air compressor in agricultural field
Air compressors have been powering powered agricultural applications for decades, helping to create new efficient transportation methods and farm maintenance.
The most common ones we see are air compressors used to inflate tires on tractors, ATVs and utility vehicles, and to provide compressed air to pneumatic nailers and nailers.
In large-scale agricultural applications, compressed air is commonly used for:
- Inkjet printing. Compressed air powered spray guns for painting barns, farm sheds, fences and outbuildings. Using a spray gun provides an even flow and smooth coating without adding time.
- Wastewater treatment. Some farms treat their wastewater on-site using low-pressure blowers to provide air for re-aeration of their tanks. The re-aeration process helps aerobic bacteria produce decomposing enzymes.
- Transport materials. Compressed air powered conveying systems are used to transport grains, powders and granules into silos for storage. Vacuum is also a safe alternative for moving dry goods within closed pipes, without the risk of contamination.
- Clean the production area. Compressed air-based cleaning systems are a simple and fast way to clean barn open spaces and storage areas.
- Power the water pump. The water pump can move compressed air, rather than an electric pump that can fail during a storm.
At present, domestic air compressors are mainly used in transportation and cleaning, but as time goes by, more uses will be revealed.
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